| | https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3766634139/?eBP=CwEAAAGMNBaMDB3BP3LB9jYEEResjjoTzf7Sj2XFX9V_cYI6JSN5FnXewCSjjihD5T6dCjqONoFBtw5E_tMMLX4bOJRGWyVdDL6kZLkqrV0Vrk6JKIQXO0g2pvKDw3tMFvSqYtpSdmJBcM_3zsPk7HpAp2YRlnUxFRUACR45MXgKGpu7PmYl8EzPjsQfl9vqE8KSGiYxs9lxrXRIppqLQFBVayoj99JkatGH1vyGTWmD6AD4KYxCn2rs9J6EgoecD0xksNetZDI3F2AyknUuigfBwSzmzQEG79O5lfnzwA6IrRu5HXCtYURgR4PWtsdLDV3ZgT2t-s35cN-ad-SrY0IMWlGnzjo45PYJKFsY9B2IDSj7v9m4jXOTNTPKXJbNZ-o&refId=TsxXebGQDjKeEmdMVyRfmA%3D%3D&trackingId=jwd2df%2BZWBBksU7QYeWOrg%3D%3D&trk=flagship3_search_srp_jobs |
| | https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3769051847/?refId=ST%2FDsjhoRzKzT%2BSlalAW%2Fg%3D%3D&trackingId=ST%2FDsjhoRzKzT%2BSlalAW%2Fg%3D%3D |
Voxon Photonics | | /companies/voxon-photonics/jobs/32181012-electronics-design-engineer#content |
Approveit | | https://wellfound.com/company/approveit_today/jobs/2858005-marketing-manager-remote?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Approveit | | https://wellfound.com/company/approveit_today/jobs/2831195-head-of-sales?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Approveit | | https://wellfound.com/company/approveit_today/jobs/2849958-sales-manager?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Gable | | https://doc.clickup.com/d/h/3k6uu-2445/275fea533a50667/3k6uu-66354?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
backstitch | | https://www.backstitch.io/cs/c/?cta_guid=d999d9f7-00bf-4eeb-b312-793c94829e9a&signature=AAH58kFj0Sc5LsnG-oM2M3MoyaM14jmF7w&pageId=5610906026&placement_guid=d05cbdd8-0a60-4861-84db-790708ed41b9&click=d88fdd1c-3655-44a2-9c8c-6f4223709150&hsutk=df86b5a99fe686b72854afe9bcedfb01&canon=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.backstitch.io%2Fcareers&portal_id=731034&redirect_url=APefjpGaZkdJ3XWx4Mu5OAUXSwtL9v5T_S_gciMdp3YC2U3nYESrUcW5daG9AkYzgy2NTYbqqSO-72oBwazheLocopOlxC7u9gXzPz1GLD4xgP5JpzvdLI16w5tTph4fhdl2Xn9XcftMCxx7tvE-W4ecK0QHFCDytg&__hstc=139043244.df86b5a99fe686b72854afe9bcedfb01.1701689798096.1701689798096.1701689798096.1&__hssc=139043244.1.1701689798097&__hsfp=988077120&contentType=standard-page&utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
backstitch | | https://www.backstitch.io/cs/c/?cta_guid=291f15ba-2a26-4ca6-8c3d-fd2246b80bc8&signature=AAH58kGGz4obgByYgEbUU1cgBD7aZ82dkQ&pageId=5610906026&placement_guid=db5fd7ab-2327-4f74-89d5-f0df5800c44b&click=e36ee7b5-d887-4f68-b5ac-42940904f150&hsutk=df86b5a99fe686b72854afe9bcedfb01&canon=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.backstitch.io%2Fcareers&portal_id=731034&redirect_url=APefjpFYoTOFS7s4OzvJEzcR5CjlYFtu3WYmRec8O6VwTCRYBLp-zjUfxxizk_5DeksFp33ZJWfd0X3UNXHVn24aWC3EBXl-FDzEE8cIv42om5J2iWpBDDqt0OuS9vyYvZ1_v0PRy5AJ0LpiewRoH8GN2OQflv5qdw&__hstc=139043244.df86b5a99fe686b72854afe9bcedfb01.1701689798096.1701689798096.1701689798096.1&__hssc=139043244.1.1701689798097&__hsfp=988077120&contentType=standard-page&utm_source=SaaS+Venture+Capital+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=SaaS+Venture+Capital+job+board |
Palmetto Clean Technology | | https://www.linkedin.com/enterprise-jobs/3763310522?refId=JOB_SEARCH_JOB_CARD_CLICK%3A%3Ajobs_list_link%3A%3Acb147a8c-168f-43fd-b9b1-2b2631ee12d4&trackingId=%2Fwa4h4wAtdpZqHk3z8GHrw%3D%3D&refId=JOB_SEARCH_JOB_CARD_CLICK%3A%3Ajobs_list_link%3A%3Acb147a8c-168f-43fd-b9b1-2b2631ee12d4&trackingId=%2Fwa4h4wAtdpZqHk3z8GHrw%3D%3D&trk=jobs_list_link&utm_source=ArcTern+Ventures+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=ArcTern+Ventures+job+board |
Palmetto Clean Technology | | https://www.linkedin.com/enterprise-jobs/3768745943?refId=JOB_SEARCH_JOB_CARD_CLICK%3A%3Ajobs_list_link%3A%3Acb147a8c-168f-43fd-b9b1-2b2631ee12d4&trackingId=II0rtronygmx%2FzqJSMJPBA%3D%3D&refId=JOB_SEARCH_JOB_CARD_CLICK%3A%3Ajobs_list_link%3A%3Acb147a8c-168f-43fd-b9b1-2b2631ee12d4&trackingId=II0rtronygmx%2FzqJSMJPBA%3D%3D&trk=jobs_list_link&utm_source=ArcTern+Ventures+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=ArcTern+Ventures+job+board |
| | https://assets-global.website-files.com/6452ee515a19177016bd6553/6530776d57fcd2ded773412d_Call_AIHumanAgency%20.pdf |
| | https://assets-global.website-files.com/6452ee515a19177016bd6553/655cf49af73f1497e77af3ea_63dabf9dd5bb1d14db5fb281_Call_Open%20Window.pdf |
| | https://jobs.careers.microsoft.com/global/en/job/1561558/Research-Scientist-II-(Responsible-%26-OpenAI-Research) |
| | https://boards.greenhouse.io/givedirectly/jobs/4344992005 |
| | https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3775608397/?trackingId=ZtQlELS95w35dzV50DGpgQ%3D%3D&refId=ByteString%28length%3D16%2Cbytes%3D4a3b4f0f…6496590f%29&midToken=AQEjvUYlVr5bBg&midSig=1B6_0Zak2yHr01&trk=eml-email_job_alert_digest_01-job_card-0-jobcard_body&trkEmail=eml-email_job_alert_digest_01-job_card-0-jobcard_body-null-ejw59l~lpldw7ow~3x-null-null&eid=ejw59l-lpldw7ow-3x&otpToken=MWEwMjE3ZTkxMTI2YzBjY2IxMjQwNGVkNDYxZmU0YjI4ZmNmZDM0OTk4YWM4ODYxNzljMTA1NmE0YjVjNWJmMGY1ZDZkZjg0NDBkYWYzZDM3OTgwZDVjMTQ2Mzk0ODNjOGNlY2UxMjY5NjkxYzU2NjFjZDdjMSwxLDE%3D |
| | https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3775603567/?trackingId=EuF61a2I8qY3p4Q0o0TYTA%3D%3D&refId=ByteString%28length%3D16%2Cbytes%3D4a3b4f0f…6496590f%29&midToken=AQEjvUYlVr5bBg&midSig=1B6_0Zak2yHr01&trk=eml-email_job_alert_digest_01-job_card-0-jobcard_body&trkEmail=eml-email_job_alert_digest_01-job_card-0-jobcard_body-null-ejw59l~lpldw7ow~3x-null-null&eid=ejw59l-lpldw7ow-3x&otpToken=MWEwMjE3ZTkxMTI2YzBjY2IxMjQwNGVkNDYxZmU0YjI4ZmNmZDM0OTk4YWM4ODYxNzljMTA1NmE0YjVjNWJmMGY1ZDZkZjg0NDBkYWYzZDM3OTgwZDVjMTQ2Mzk0ODNjOGNlY2UxMjY5NjkxYzU2NjFjZDdjMSwxLDE%3D |
| | https://openai.com/careers/technical-investigator-intel-investigations |
| | https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3775740111/?eBP=CwEAAAGMNBaMDD1ygpxnhdqeGg4Z92cPaysyuZerzxGAxfPeRZ8vd1HQeJntYAGoHZfo9RYOySLkkHx6RbjtVTqMM0Qy6d2kd6wllkzRed7IUAS5RpC1Qkml6u6iaOHODZLaZY-_VpOTr5_txRH2irtbXyhr2Gnf_GJ21JV03lIhQxAL2XJRn35v87yqZM1b39Dfk6X5mpty6J0TsGJ1Q2TUQSVMMuetcqGz1J9EY-X-wshDxlT1L3hsr9CQUEWaS_rSFJE1Q6ABMhJWLOi3bjmRnp-bVE2eAxM2tZdcBtwchQ6H15OPbcU3TeW7d-YynJW-4Uh0_yWqyfRaFzg5HrkW-PpMxxIVe2lUmg7n5UysSjMn0uKAPcB2SCaV083MXXDFsg&refId=TsxXebGQDjKeEmdMVyRfmA%3D%3D&trackingId=RMtaTk4dYN5ybV9u9dD3Kw%3D%3D&trk=flagship3_search_srp_jobs |
| | https://openai.com/careers/research-engineer-safety-reasoning |
| | https://portal.dynamicsats.com/JobListing/Details/f465323b-3b70-4739-b836-63569b906dde/63ea7513-8890-ee11-8179-000d3a09d4be |
| | https://jobs.careers.microsoft.com/global/en/job/1665694/ |
| | https://poverty-action.org/senior-program-associate |
| | https://erecruitment.ecdc.europa.eu/VacancyAnnouncements/73_RR_EU_Vacancy_Notice.pdf |
Huntress | | /companies/huntress/jobs/32197295-senior-software-engineer-ruby-on-rails#content |
Palmetto Clean Technology | | https://www.linkedin.com/enterprise-jobs/3770194857?refId=JOB_SEARCH_JOB_CARD_CLICK%3A%3Ajobs_list_link%3A%3Acb147a8c-168f-43fd-b9b1-2b2631ee12d4&trackingId=4Qug5weYgshjkgBedQGDhQ%3D%3D&refId=JOB_SEARCH_JOB_CARD_CLICK%3A%3Ajobs_list_link%3A%3Acb147a8c-168f-43fd-b9b1-2b2631ee12d4&trackingId=4Qug5weYgshjkgBedQGDhQ%3D%3D&trk=jobs_list_link&utm_source=ArcTern+Ventures+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=ArcTern+Ventures+job+board |
| Whitespectre: Senior Backend Engineer (Data Pipelines / ETL)Headquarters: Remote URL: http://www.whitespectre.com/We are looking for a Senior Backend Engineer (Data Pipelines / ETL) to join our growing team of technologists. In this position, you will work in a multidisciplinary team to understand, design and transform disparate data sources into ERP and warehousing systems.Day to day, you’ll work within a fast-moving delivery squad comprising product management, engineering and QA who work towards delivering and optimizing features that drive core business value to our clients. Whitespectre is a product-centric, technology consultancy for both VC funded start-ups and large, established companies across the US and Europe. We’re also a product incubator with our own applications and B2B SaaS platform. As long-term partners to our clients, we’ve played a critical role in their growth – both through the products we co-create and the expertise and processes we bring. Proudly remote first since 2013, we’re a close-knit team of 75, working in fast-moving, cross-functional agile pods to solve interesting technical challenges and drive real business impact.In this role you will:Analyze, design and build data pipelines for missing data from known sources to a data lake / data warehouse (AWS products)Transform data into common data models / tables of known structure at both detailed and aggregated levelsExtract and upload data to an ERP (Netsuite) via custom REST endpointsCreate logging and sanity checks to adhere to data validation requirementsThe primary technologies you will use include Python, DBT, Meltano, Airflow, and Spark.BenefitsCompetitive salaries, with payment in USDAnnual Performance & Salary Reviews, with proactive career management20 Days PTO & 3 Charity Days annuallyFunded face-to-face meet ups in Barcelona, as well as, South America and AsiaAssisted Relocation package Flexible working hours for efficient teaming in a 100% remote environment (proudly remote-first for 10 years!)Free English classes & educational expenses supportGenerous Employee Referral PlanTeam Fitness and Charity InitiativesCultural benefitsIn addition to the above benefits, we foster an inclusive working environment that provides:Great company environment – check out GlassdoorPersonalized onboardingsOpportunity to contribute to company-level initiativesWork with a broad range of best-in-class technologiesCross-company knowledge groups – improve your expertise, share your learnings and work with different technologies and toolsRegular brown bag learning sessionsAn emphasis on Work-life balanceThis is the right position for you if wantThe challenge of collaborating with business stakeholders and Product Managers to design and advocate for technology solutions while bearing in mind the tradeoffs for business resultsThe responsibility of designing new processes, and being confident to justify your technology decisions. (Plus debating and recognizing when a colleague has an even better idea!)The opportunity to go outside your core expertise and strengthen skills with other technologies and learn moreAn environment where excellent communication skills (both verbal and written) are valued and honed.A culture where people from different backgrounds interact, collaborate and reach a shared goalThe “check the box” Requirements5+ years of experience as a Data Engineer, with additional software engineering experience as an advantageExpertise working with SQL to extract, transform, and load dataDemonstrated hands-on experience across Python, DBT, Meltano, Airflow, Spark, Redshift, PostgreSQL (or similar)Experience with JS/Node is an advantageAdvanced English level, excellent verbal and written communication skillsExperience contributing to technical decision-making within a teamCan work full-time with a significant overlap with both CET and PST working hours. Live outside of the US. Please, no recruitment agencies.Interested in applying?Apply by completing the form – and we’ll get back to you. To apply: https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/whitespectre-senior-backend-engineer-data-pipelines-etl | https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/whitespectre-senior-backend-engineer-data-pipelines-etl |
Addepar | Sr. Software Engineer – Packaged Integrations (Pune) | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2574260&hc=addepar&jt=sr-software-engineer-packaged-integrations-pune#a25d43f0bf6b01ac3b9471196706e93cdd71ef9db32a855982ef20cb519421f0 |
Eightfold | Staff Software Engineer – FullStack | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2617719&hc=eightfold&jt=staff-software-engineer-fullstack#9edcce1d03c1a47b12ccc9c1b88e11d112f8be2f6971a2ff5dce2fe02a472768 |
Addepar | IT Support Specialist – Tier 2 (India) | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2617720&hc=addepar&jt=it-support-specialist-tier-2-india#8276ad54d4f41877d51ace32f1d852f6d3d48d2c83b0f13ec78d91c9aeb65246 |
Ethos | Backend Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2589297&hc=ethos&jt=backend-engineer#3724423ab3cdbabc8d4a027bbd7f44d527400c7597419a27772eefe7e034a26d |
| MongoDB | Senior Software Engineer | NYC, hybridJon MongoDB’s Cloud Insights & Telemetry team as a Senior Software Engineer. This is a backend heavy full-stack role (70-80% backend work in Java, 20-30% UI work as needed with React/Typescript) based out of our NYC office (~3 days/week).In this role, you’ll focus on the Data Explorer tool – this is by far the most used tool across MongoDB’s cloud features and allows for developers to visualize and utilize their data.Seeking an engineer with strong backend experience, any web application experience is a plus. Preferably 6+ years experience.Full time role, strong base + RSU grant, full benefits, flex pto, etc.Read more + apply here: https://grnh.se/fea5032c1us | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#f8360546d3b95bd27e82cab7a7716f9ab75dbd15ac4c02ade45be0f20c844495 |
| | https://jobs.careers.microsoft.com/global/en/job/1663444/Research-Intern—Cloud-and-Infrastructure-Security-Group |
BioCatch | DevOps Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2603124&hc=biocatch&jt=devops-engineer#c6cd178e72ef00596c7d27acc971ab147fcdf2b8184531bf8c04c46edf1a00f7 |
BioCatch | Pre-Sales Consultant (Colombia) | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2561311&hc=biocatch&jt=pre-sales-consultant-colombia#8bd4dc69ce0e2f60983d4b66900a17d9c9673c951270e6bcd1cecef64544a346 |
| Fern | https://buildwithfern.com | Founding Backend Engineer | 60k + equity | On-site NYC | Full-timeAt Fern, we’re creating the modern developer experience platform. We work with developer-focused companies to generate SDKs & API documentation. We’re looking for a Founding Backend Engineer with 4+ years of experience to help us scale with our users. You’ll join a small team (3 of us) and will be a product owner who designs, builds, and ships weekly.Learn more at https://www.buildwithfern.com/careersApply by emailing careers [at] buildwithfern.com with your resume/LinkedIn and why this opportunity interests you | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#3d66431b9938222a63e8e338e5dcd002e4b91b9e808b54b9f4a4a72b6327b357 |
| Quantstamp | https://quantstamp.com | Remote | Full-timeQuantstamp’s mission is to secure the decentralized internet, and has protected over 00B in digital asset risk from hackers. More than 500 startups, foundations and enterprises work with Quantstamp to keep their innovative products safe.We are looking for Auditing Engineers and a Senior Rust Engineer to join our team. The full job description and how to apply can be found below. https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/quantstamp | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#bcacd6e18ae32c53e2f7269f6960afbc54dcf67a57671b56db361c9951b0bdfd |
| Clearscope | Austin, TX + Remote | Ruby on Rails engineerClearscope is a best-in-class digital marketing SaaS that leverages machine learning to arm content marketers with the data, recommendations, and visibility they need to produce quality content that reaches their audience. We’re bootstrapped and profitable with 1,000+ paying customers like Adobe, Deloitte, Nvidia, Expedia, HubSpot, Shopify, Intuit, and Condé Nast driving multi-million ARR with 9 team members.—> Clearscope is hiring full-stack engineers who can ship product in a small team setting—> Ruby/Rails + TypeScript monolith with no client-side MVC—> 20-80k (+ health insurance + 401k for US-based)Apply at [ www.clearscope.io/careers/ror-engineer](https://www.clearscope.io/careers/ror-engineer) | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#ae1152ad03bb06fe5318be1aef5130c3d1fcc4d69327864e4fe6979459136c18 |
Alpaca | Senior Data Engineer | https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/62934#b30dc39f83cf6736faf963dde6e8fe8c4a8c1c1ddde0fcf25fbae940ec310734 |
| If you send a portfolio sample, we’d love to take a look. | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#941b0708bb7ab93e6a3f5208e43fe0aa8549afb1e9399d03e1fbbc6ee2ac0d8f |
| Thank you! That means so much 🙂 | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#f0f757c1fceb6d222ff231fb7afb85a5742f4109fcfb7abe301415ec47e0f8d3 |
| Yes, we are open to hiring outside of the US if the individual is willing to shift their hours to US hours 🙂 | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#0482db706fab01c15e20773a649e1d48021e6110a244f29d9c9d485f49612781 |
| Yes, we are open to hiring outside of US if the individual is willing to shift their hours to US hours 🙂 | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#7d8df5f950a66894b84590a3bc0ab9cd85ddc4206128c41d3b64aefab9b816b4 |
| Replit | SF | Full-TimeCurrent hiring priorities include:* AI Engineer* AI Backend Engineer* AI Frontend Engineer* Data Engineer* Product Engineer* Software Engineer/Senior: Developer Experience, Generalist* Product Manager, GrowthSee these opportunities and more below:https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/replit?utm_source=HackerNews | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#9a40e21e8826a99a922dce96e2b6d5222271946031809f79d21f232644b6d21e |
| Hi, it’s neat that you’re using Lisp. Can you clarify the remote requirements a bit please? I’m not sure I understand this:Work remotely but willing to travel to Seoul every two months for 6 ~ 8 weeks, or perhaps more often/a bit longer (once the COVID pandemic is under control) | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#80bb0d38a2ead627f25ce0bca5971cd4261eaa5499f276298dd1a0798356bb53 |
| Lucra Payments | https://lucrapayments.com | Remote | Full-timeLucra Payments is on a mission to eliminate authorised payment fraud to make our transactions safer. We provide law firms, accountants, charities to name a few with an online verification platform to help them detect and prevent fraud, streamline processes, and eliminate uncertainties when making payments.We are looking for a .NET Core developer to our team. The full job description and how to apply (cv to [email protected]) can be found here.https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3774741943/?refId=ailgMFx… | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#02fbe26613eab61abec18b09d41817adad328da1a83a1bc2e207a8d09511c9fa |
Proximie | Data Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2617734&hc=proximie&jt=data-engineer#ebcb746306074cb63e2153348d44db590c7c668afac248e071bc5e3096e74dd6 |
BioCatch | Pre-Sales Consultant (Nordic Countries) | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2561300&hc=biocatch&jt=pre-sales-consultant-nordic-countries#66311e91fd775bdcf488cda0ca1f8371c7501352345bb918fdcaff3e8bd0a029 |
Oystr Finance | | https://oystrfinance.com/careers?jop=60&utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
| Channable – https://www.channable.com | Utrecht, The Netherlands | ONSITEJoin one of the fastest growing scale-ups in the Netherlands. We currently have several open engineering positions to join our team in Utrecht.We are a young company with a strong engineering culture and some unique data problems, which we are solving for our customers.You can read more about our work on our tech blog: https://www.channable.com/techOur Stack: Haskell, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ember.js, React, PostgreSQL, Redis, Ansible, Terraform, NixWe currently process more than 100 billion products per day and offer technically interesting and challenging work. We are looking for highly motivated and skilled engineers to join our team.Open positions:- Haskell Software Engineer – Infra team: https://jobs.channable.com/o/haskell-software-engineer-02-20…- VP of Engineering: https://jobs.channable.com/o/vp-of-engineering | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#1a3559b62f9316af96cf31eed84f8052ab76f87a66605a7bc52c6cdcfd9bd92f |
| IVPN | Full-stack Web Developer | Remote (UTC-1 to UTC+3) | Full-time | https://www.ivpn.netIVPN is a privacy-focused VPN service in operation since 2010. We have high ethical standards, regular security audits and a stellar reputation among security and privacy analysts.We are looking for a Full-stack Web Developer to work on a new project for a privacy-friendly DNS solution.Ideally you possess the following knowledge:- HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and modern JS frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js)- Experience with back-end development, including server, network, and hosting environments, using Node.js / Python or Golang.- Knowledge of DNS protocols, privacy tools, and ad-blocking technology.- Fluent in SQL and able to create complex database schemas.- Understanding of security best practices to safeguard user data.We are looking for mid-level/senior candidates who can own the project from planning to release (with internal help, of course).You can email me directly to discuss the role: [email protected] or apply here: https://ivpn.recruitee.com/o/full-stack-web-developer-ivpn Don’t forget to mention you found this on HN. | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#8b7a07cfff8aebede651a94b65ac755824f442fd49767f6610330e13873b2862 |
| | https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3778013208/?alternateChannel=search&refId=Erx1faLb9bHxOd9e%2FxuAYA%3D%3D&trackingId=wVY52K588tiLg%2FZ15OOrlQ%3D%3D |
Elliptic | Senior Fullstack Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2574437&hc=elliptic&jt=senior-fullstack-engineer#8b5e59d7944baf5205ddfbed19dff6a1acbd20fe42b542497c496be493028f63 |
| | https://jobs.careers.microsoft.com/global/en/job/1663331/Research-Intern—Scientific-%26-Regulatory-Affairs—Health-Futures |
| | https://www.seek.com.au/job/71914536 |
Astranis | Antenna Engineer As an Antenna Engineer you will be responsible for the design, qualification, and procurement of antenna system components. You will work closely with mechanical, thermal, and… | https://boards.greenhouse.io/astranis/jobs/4312170006 |
| Samsung Semiconductor EMEA – https://semiconductor.samsung.com/emea/ – Onsite Munich – Full-timeSamsung Semiconductor Europe is a part of the global network of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. for providing component solutions, featuring industry-leading technologies in the areas of memory, system LSI, foundry, LED and display in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.Read more here: https://semiconductor.samsung.com/emea/about-us/Open positions:Product Marketing Manager (f/m/d) Telematic and Connectivity | Strategic Planning Specialist (f/m/d) | Account Manager Foundry (H/F) | Customer Quality Manager (f/m/d) – Semiconductor | Project Manager SoC (f/m/d) | Project Engineer Displays (f/m/d) for Automotive Display | Field Application Engineer (f/m/d) – Image Signal Processing/Image Sensorand more, find out more open position or apply here: https://semiconductor.samsung.com/emea/about-us/jobs/ | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#905514b21b9682cc8d74eae5cc658cc45604e53aebd135aee81e4753e15dda91 |
Blink | | /companies/blink/jobs/32200846-operations-specialist-people-talent-acquisition-graduate-role#content |
INSPECTORIO | | /companies/inspectorio/jobs/32201879-financial-analyst#content |
Notabene | Solutions Engineer | https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/63081#c2c214b1298ae35206355208c484b5b70bda2844a84323729685bcd135faed60 |
CoinTracker | Backend Engineer (Remote) | https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/55436#e203d56d29f7f87c1c743c3b3d5f552ff3c0c30bd29a4825b2688e0a67c0b6f4 |
| Urban Legend: Senior Frontend EngineerHeadquarters: Washington, DC URL: https://urbanlegend.co/JOB SUMMARY:Urban Legend is seeking a Senior React developer to bring our user-facing technology to the next level. The developer will play a key role in building our influencer-facing platform and mobile app. The ideal candidate will have three plus years of experience in a front-end focused role using React.This position will be staffed as a part-time, as needed, ongoing engagement. It’s ideal for a talented freelancer looking for regular, part-time work.How to Apply:Send your resume and interest to the email address provided.ABOUT URBAN LEGEND:Urban Legend is a tech startup that’s redefining influencer marketing for public affairs and advocacy campaigns. The Urban Legend Exchange is an invite-only platform where advertisers run campaigns that mobilize creators to drive meaningful and measurable actions in support of issues that matter. RESPONSIBILITIESArchitects and implements scalable front-end features and systems that delight our influencers and make their jobs easierCollaborates with product team to determine scope of new front-end featuresShips code often and iteratively, in an Agile environmentREQUIREMENTS:JavaScript proficiency, including concepts like asynchronous programming, closures, and ES6HTML/CSS proficiency, including layout, styling, and cross-browser compatibilityProfessional experience writing modern React apps (hooks, functional components, context, styled components, fragments, destructuring)Professional experience using React Native and/or professional experience building mobile applications or strong interest.Self-starter who can QA own work and think through the implications of design direction and is not afraid to raise red flags when necessary to help ensure we are making the best productExperience building and/or maintaining front-end build processes across environments (local, vercel)Able to think through complex problems and offer possible solutionsProfessional English proficiencyMinimum five hours overlap with ET to enable flexible cross-collaborationNICE-TO-HAVES: Experience with ExpoExperience writing UI tests with StorybookExperience optimizing front end performance (caching, page load etc.)To apply: https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/urban-legend-senior-frontend-engineer-1 | https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/urban-legend-senior-frontend-engineer-1 |
backstitch | | https://www.backstitch.io/cs/c/?cta_guid=d999d9f7-00bf-4eeb-b312-793c94829e9a&signature=AAH58kFj0Sc5LsnG-oM2M3MoyaM14jmF7w&pageId=5610906026&placement_guid=d05cbdd8-0a60-4861-84db-790708ed41b9&click=d88fdd1c-3655-44a2-9c8c-6f4223709150&hsutk=df86b5a99fe686b72854afe9bcedfb01&canon=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.backstitch.io%2Fcareers&portal_id=731034&redirect_url=APefjpGaZkdJ3XWx4Mu5OAUXSwtL9v5T_S_gciMdp3YC2U3nYESrUcW5daG9AkYzgy2NTYbqqSO-72oBwazheLocopOlxC7u9gXzPz1GLD4xgP5JpzvdLI16w5tTph4fhdl2Xn9XcftMCxx7tvE-W4ecK0QHFCDytg&__hstc=139043244.df86b5a99fe686b72854afe9bcedfb01.1701689798096.1701689798096.1701689798096.1&__hssc=139043244.1.1701689798097&__hsfp=988077120&contentType=standard-page&utm_source=SaaS+Venture+Capital+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=SaaS+Venture+Capital+job+board |
BioCatch | Pre-Sales Consultant (Nordic Countries) | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2561302&hc=biocatch&jt=pre-sales-consultant-nordic-countries#66311e91fd775bdcf488cda0ca1f8371c7501352345bb918fdcaff3e8bd0a029 |
BioCatch | Pre-Sales Consultant (Chile) | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2617771&hc=biocatch&jt=pre-sales-consultant-chile#c71b3f89b1e781aa013d951835226b2bf67f9058a9332ef38fbbac5a5a6326ff |
Alto Pharmacy | Staff DevOps Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2617774&hc=alto-pharmacy&jt=staff-devops-engineer#fdef0c0548387f4a9517e8f46416a3f1c382a1a441efd2c3cdf5790d591af40e |
Ben | Senior Support Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2617804&hc=ben&jt=senior-support-engineer#c805ddd9b7d0a59bae3493b1112f7849dc6307315e9ee1c4ba8be55d03a7522e |
Ben | Product Manager | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2617805&hc=ben&jt=product-manager#3ae4491e46eb7215ec5e45aadd0aa2ffd767fd43197a76cf87e1e756dd165015 |
Framer | Senior Backend Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2603439&hc=framer&jt=senior-backend-engineer#1db476371164d73e69c8f4d04d7bc96ccd1b410a43a287e88ff6449e08a4f6d8 |
Peak AI | Quality Assurance Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2613168&hc=peak-ai&jt=quality-assurance-engineer#e8cd503a7cd7c46a11396c8931c98e937fc1734a72ad97c6989ef8908e478a23 |
| We are hiring .NET Core developers, check out the post here and apply if relevanthttps://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3774741943/?refId=ailgMFx… | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490810#d2165f269e770f22905c2f1ef33b942e7ea65df978eb680f60e4d2b4eaa12757 |
| SEEKING FREELANCER | REMOTE | GERMANYdltHub is looking for a freelance help in the following repos:- https://github.com/dlt-hub/dlt- https://github.com/dlt-hub/verified-sourcesPlease look at the issues, README and CONTRIBUTE guides – those are the tasks you’ll be working on. We will ensure you are onboarded and will give you comprehensive reviews of your code. We expect that you can work with us a minimum 20 hours/week and ideally you will be flexible to do some more upon request.dlt is an open-source library that automatically creates datasets out of messy, unstructured data sources. You can use the library to move data from about anywhere into most of well-known SQL and vector stores, data lakes, storage buckets, or local engines like DuckDB. It automates many cumbersome data engineering tasks and can be handled by anyone who knows Python. You can read more about us here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37999527—Your Task and Responsibilities:- Contribute to dlt, including code, tests, and documentation- Maintain the open source project with the team (e.g., review PRs, resolve issues, talk with community contributors, etc.)Who You Are:- You really like Python and are fluent in writing Python code (e.g., Python typing, unit testing, writing docstrings, etc.)- You are interested in the Python ecosystem (i.e., popular libraries, tools, Python internals, PEPs, how Python is used outside of software engineering, etc.)- You have some experience with databases and data warehouses (i.e., you understand the relational data model, transactions, concurrency, etc.)You are familiar with GitHub workflows (e.g., pull requests, code reviews, CI/CD services, etc.)Nice to Have:- You might have experience with data engineering (e.g., building data pipelines, dataset modeling, enabling others to use the data, etc.)-You might have experience with machine learning (e.g., the toolset, the workflows, practical applications, etc.)If the role sounds interesting, please apply here: https://apply.workable.com/dlthub/j/4C5D016FF5/apply/ | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490810#952bb5dc186c63135ded2d5fc73745cbd4beb28883c218d4511352ad32e3cc36 |
| Booster SEO: Senior Ruby on Rails EngineerHeadquarters: Dublin, Remote URL: https://www.boosterseo.comStuart here, founder of Booster SEOAre you a full stack Rubyist with 6+ years experience? Interested in working on the bleeding edge of what Rails has to offer when it comes to new features and developments (Rails 7 & Hotwire)?Have you previously worked with another Shopify app?If so, awesome! Keep reading. If not – no worries, perhaps we’ll cross paths in the future.About the jobWith the help of our small team, (and some awesome team members at Thoughtbot), we’ve built an amazing Shopify SEO platform on Rails that has scaled wonderfully so far. To give a small indication, we process roughly 20-30M Sidekiq Jobs per day and are adding 8-10M db rows per day.How are we different?We might lose you here :)We believe in writing Rails in a particular style, sticking close to standard and general Rails best practices. If a feature takes our competitors 8 weeks to build, we build a solid MVP in 8-10 days. We utilize the 80/20 principle to focus on what matters and just ship. Of course, we look at the usage metrics, then come back and complete the other 20% over time.If this sounds like your style, we’d love to chat.What will you be responsible for?Development of our Ruby on Rails monolith.Write high-quality, clean, and scalable code following best practices and design patternsWrite and maintain unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to ensure the reliability of the applicationPerform debugging and troubleshooting to identify and fix issues promptlyCollaborate with teams to ensure smooth deployment and continuous integration processes and participate in configuring and maintaining the deployment pipeline and monitoring systemsWho you areYou’re self-driven and prefer working autonomously with limited guidanceYou’re dependable, reasonable and trustworthy, with proven sound judgmentYou can operate in a high-octane environment You utilize the Pareto Principle (80/20)You prefer 5 minute daily standups vs long drawn out meetings You have a profound passion for Rails best practicesRequirements6+ years of professional software development experience with Ruby / Ruby on RailsDeep knowledge of working with the Shopify app ecosytemIn-depth knowledge of database systems, particularly relational databases (e.g., Postgres, Sidekiq and Redis)The ability to adjust to our high octane workflow. One of our core values is to create what works in its simplest form and iterate based on metrics and feedback. We don’t have long release cycles 🤗The ability to work in EST or PDT time zone, or at least overlap by 5 hoursAbility to write efficient and optimized code, following best practices and design patternsStrong analytical and problem-solving abilities to tackle complex technical challengesExcellent communication skills to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product managers, designers, and other engineers❤️ Things we loveLiving by our GAINS core values of Growth Mindset, Analyze Before Assuming, Iterate & Improve, Nurture Relationships, and Scrappy.Helping over 1.4M Shopify merchants who have installed our softwareHaving a stress free work environment!Being a 100% remote & 100% global team! 🤮 Things we avoidMicro-managingEgosDramaSalarySalary is negotiable and based upon experience. Everyone should earn what they feel is fair. This is a remote, full-time role (40+ hours/week).Does this sound like you would be a good fit? Please complete the application form with a quick loom video about why you think you’d be a good fit, and we’ll be in touch.Thank you!To apply: https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/booster-seo-senior-ruby-on-rails-engineer | https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/booster-seo-senior-ruby-on-rails-engineer |
| Trivial, Inc.: JavaScript Developer – VueHeadquarters: Oakland, CA URL: https://trivial-js.orgWe are looking for a Node.js developer with Vue experience who will be responsible for developing the front end of the web application and improving the user experience. They will need to collaborate with the designing and development teams to create web applications and platforms for the clients. The candidate must be able to build testable, reusable, and scalable applications.This work is split between direct contribution to the open source repos and contract work for custom implementations. Due to the meta-programming nature of the platform, there is a higher level of abstraction than is suitable for novice front end engineers.ResponsibilitiesWrite reusable, effective, and scalable JavaScript codeBuild modular and reusable components and librariesImplement front-end components with progressive Vue.js frameworkTranslate the client’s technical specifications into codeTest, update and optimize the application for performance and securityTo apply: https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/trivial-inc-javascript-developer-vue | https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/trivial-inc-javascript-developer-vue |
| LOOKING FOR DATA SCIENTIST POSITION|Location: EU (Austria, Poland) | US remoteRemote: remote/hybridWilling to relocate: Depends on whereTechnologies: Generative AI, Neural Networks, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Transformers, Bert, Python, Statistical Modelling, NLTK, scikit-learn, numpy, pandas, SQLResume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/svitlana-tuchyna-36b032230/ (will send pdf CV on request)email: [email protected] | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490810#403b8a8400132f3019273a07247e1298bc1f0a349ebb67a11eb5e9fe3d632092 |
| Wheelhouse (https://www.usewheelhouse.com) | REMOTE | Full-time | Design & Front-end engineer–We’re a small team of designers, engineers and operators in the hospitality space.We’re building a revenue management platform for the 00B+ flex rental space. Our technology empowers short & mid-length stay operators, who manage single-family homes, apartment buildings, and (in some cases) hotels – a broad & massive addressable market.In 2021, our target customer segment voted our platform “Innovation of the Year” at the Data & Revenue Management conference. In 2022, we closed a significant funding round (via many of the best tech, travel & real estate investors) providing us a long runway, low burn, and rapidly growing revenue.More about us:As a team, we enjoy shipping products our customers love, on time or ahead of schedule, while balancing work/life & having fun together. Many have worked together for 8+ years across multiple companies. We’re best described as transparent & collaborative, and we strive to set our teammates up for success – both professionally & personally. We’re a remote-first, work-anywhere, and a “yes – you should make time for that adventure/vacation” company.What we’re looking for:An experienced (3+ years) front-end engineer with design capabilities. Someone passionate about building great user experiences and who is comfortable taking a design from exploration through to production. Ideally, they can build out designs on their own, or, with partial help from our product designer.Bonus — Our product can be complex (lots of data, configurations, edge cases), so, someone looking to solve hard problems with a mind for simplified UIs and intuitive experiences would be ideal.Stack – Tailwind | Chakra | Next.js | Ruby on Rails | PostgresBenefits – Competitive salary and equity. Full medical, dental and vision benefits for US employees, Fidelity 401K available for US employees, Unlimited PTO, and more. | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#46a3449ebbfb80d0fc315db65638302d00215e5d31ad538ffaef46be369fd8b0 |
Ethos | Site Reliability Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2617728&hc=ethos&jt=site-reliability-engineer#4b6cea9e5ebc36cc2163dd0a8a7bd8eae79f0519ff5064ecce9497c14581ad5b |
| Converge | Founding Product Engineer | London | Full-timeConverge is building data infrastructure for online stores. We make it easy for merchants to understand where their customers come from and help them optimize their customer acquisition.We just graduated from the YC S23 cohort. We serve more than 100 customers (small stores until publicly listed co’s) and are profitable.We are looking for a full-stack engineer who gets excited by talking to users and shipping product with us. You will be highly autonomous as to what you choose to work on to maximize your impact on the company.Apply here: https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/converge/jobs/vc4Nbeh-… | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#b7dd4d78ce51af1d31183fc87a054b069bec15acaaa713d0508377b21d4cfd3f |
| Owner.com | Remote | Full-timeOwner.com’s mission is to help local business owners survive by leveling the playing field – by giving them an all-in-one solution to take back control of their business and truly own their online presence. The Owner platform powers everything from their SEO-optimized website to their online ordering system, while providing powerful email marketing and loyalty programs, reputation management, recruiting solutions, and more.- Senior Software Engineer: https://jobs.lever.co/owner/d72226c5-347e-4e1d-90be-93f204c6…- Staff Product Designer: https://jobs.lever.co/owner/93e82fb3-d5f0-4d0d-9cc2-2f03507f… | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#974301d86d9a996e79936e7e5b2db8d8b58c95ee9a38c3d7174ed5f5603fb280 |
| Digital Health Strategies | Full Stack Engineer (Ruby, JavaScript) | Washington, DC; NYC; Vancouver, BC; remote possible (USA or Canada) | https://digitalhealthstrategies.comWe are a series A health tech and data company working with large health systems to grow patient volumes, connect patients with the care they need, and, in the case of our non-profit clients, raise money from grateful patients.We offer the industry leading grateful patient web app that allows health systems stand up highly integrated web sites quickly and easily to collect stories and feed donor pipeline development.We’re a small 17-person team, spread between Washington, DC, New York City, and Vancouver, BC. We reached MM+ annual revenue before raising any outside capital.We’re looking for a mid to senior full stack software engineer generalist who is eager to manage their own product, likes to build quickly, and is focused on understanding the customer and solving their problems. You will have ownership and autonomy with minimal meetings. We use ruby, rails, javascript, postgres, aws, docker.I’m Arif – reach out if this sounds interesting [email protected]. | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#202a8b5c55297aee0bf6fe1d6e176e6c7a969eec51b3f79f0573920d610a8d98 |
REEV | | https://reev.care/blog/jobs/internship-business-developer/?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
| >It’s a psyops campaign run by DevOpsers/SREssometimes the only way forward is to run psyops on yourselves | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#76cb4349aedde71bc7d648bb697d0273a9f6f4c051d85dc08d9ecfbf37aeb91b |
| | https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/description/MED04271/human-infection-challenge-vaccine-development-hic-vac-network-manager/?utm_source=job%20alert&utm_medium=email |
Recall.ai | Founding Developer Experience Engineer | https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/62373#5c381458ce1f31df8c64844f732134a6b9f98dda562791ffe30d5fae0a9d2020 |
| I worked in Perl for a while and I’m the worst programmer I know, lol. | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#299bdf0f2c816e943bd84f3ee0149a1acf21dde065975ba4e7f634fe3966f6c3 |
Ultimate.ai | | /companies/ultimate-ai/jobs/32197517-events-marketing-manager-marketing-berlin-hybrid-remote#content |
| | https://www.civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk/csr/jobs.cgi?jcode=1889581 |
| | https://jobs.careers.microsoft.com/global/en/job/1664217/Research-Intern—Health-and-Life-Sciences-Strategy-(Health-Futures%2C-Redmond) |
Exscientia | Senior Full Stack Engineer | https://www.ventureloop.com/ventureloop/jobdetail.php?jobid=2594260&hc=exscientia&jt=senior-full-stack-engineer#d50b6fe12fa46f2e52df42e8858aadfc387a3df86ca55a0dbbbb2565aa68f23d |
| Yeah, they’ve been posting these roles for months.I contacted a few folks that worked at DDG and I had 2nd degree connections with on LI though and they all had positive things to say. | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38490811#5a7da5562a666bb8074d9721a2e1ab15f7c6340dfdf93584172d915bf1a421a8 |
backstitch | | https://www.backstitch.io/cs/c/?cta_guid=291f15ba-2a26-4ca6-8c3d-fd2246b80bc8&signature=AAH58kGGz4obgByYgEbUU1cgBD7aZ82dkQ&pageId=5610906026&placement_guid=db5fd7ab-2327-4f74-89d5-f0df5800c44b&click=e36ee7b5-d887-4f68-b5ac-42940904f150&hsutk=df86b5a99fe686b72854afe9bcedfb01&canon=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.backstitch.io%2Fcareers&portal_id=731034&redirect_url=APefjpFYoTOFS7s4OzvJEzcR5CjlYFtu3WYmRec8O6VwTCRYBLp-zjUfxxizk_5DeksFp33ZJWfd0X3UNXHVn24aWC3EBXl-FDzEE8cIv42om5J2iWpBDDqt0OuS9vyYvZ1_v0PRy5AJ0LpiewRoH8GN2OQflv5qdw&__hstc=139043244.df86b5a99fe686b72854afe9bcedfb01.1701689798096.1701689798096.1701689798096.1&__hssc=139043244.1.1701689798097&__hsfp=988077120&contentType=standard-page&utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Oystr Finance | | https://oystrfinance.com/careers?jop=58&utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Oystr Finance | | https://oystrfinance.com/careers?jop=59&utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Signal | | /companies/signal-2/jobs/32197519-analyst-information-security#content |
Signal | | https://transunion.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/transunion/job/Mumbai—One-World-Center/Senior-Manager—Data-Acquisition_19023499-1?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Urban Sky | | https://urbansky.applytojob.com/apply/fgNSrieRpL/Lead-Flight-Software-Engineer?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
aVenture | | https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/aVenture/7177b9f8-d326-4a84-817d-4559cc83899f?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Mathpix | | https://wellfound.com/company/mathpix-1/jobs/2689125-senior-devops-engineer-at-ai-company?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Space Products and Innovation GmbH | | https://www.spinintech.com/_files/ugd/0ac116_1e8cd5a7da6742afb549c9955947f371.pdf?utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Contently | | /companies/contently/jobs/32199810-account-manager#content |
DataCamp | | /companies/datacamp/jobs/32200200-product-designer#content |
Cycle | | https://cycle.jobs.personio.de/job/1347018?language=en&utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Cycle | | https://cycle.jobs.personio.de/job/1346855?language=en&utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |
Cycle | | https://cycle.jobs.personio.de/job/1347031?language=en&utm_source=Techstars+job+board&utm_medium=getro.com&gh_src=Techstars+job+board |